Healthy Eating Advice
As well as brushing, flossing and visiting us on a regular basis, you also need to watch your diet if you want to be sure of having healthy teeth.
Watch that sugar
Sugar can contribute to tooth decay because it reacts with the bacteria in plaque and this can produce enamel attacking acids. Try to reduce the amount of sugar you eat and if you do indulge in sweet treats, restrict them to mealtimes to limit the amount of time your mouth will be under attack.
Avoid acid erosion
Some food and drinks are naturally acidic and can contribute to erosion of your tooth enamel. These include oranges, red wine and cola, so consume these with care and don’t brush your teeth straight after indulging in them as the acid can wear away enamel. Instead, follow up with a cube of cheese or a carrot stick as these alkaline foods can help neutralise any acid.
Balanced diet
Eat a balanced diet packed full of vitamins and minerals to help prevent gum disease and keep teeth strong. Remember processed foods often contain lots of hidden sugar, so be sure to check the labels.
Sensible snacking
Try to limit snacking and stick to three meals a day. If you are eating little and often, you will create a damagingly acidic environment in your mouth.